AGON Revised Character Sheet Added to Playerkit

Just a quick update to say that I've added a revised character sheet for AGON to the playerkit. Download the zip file again to get access to it. Hope you like it!


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I bought a hard copy a few years ago. Is there anyway to get the updated sheet ?

I added the revised Hero Sheet as a demo file on the page. You can grab it for free.

game designer and a gentleman. Thank you. 


I'm pretty sure I bought the game through DriveThroughRPG, will the updated sheet be available there too?

Yep, the file has been updated on DTRPG, too.


thank you so much

The additions to the character sheet are super welcome. Thank you!


Thanks, Matteo. Glad you like it!

Yeah, the "Special" box is super helpful (I always forgot them, so my players. Now we cannot forget them anymore :D). And I appreciate the little touches on the shield.